










Crasy Rewards 獎賞計劃
Crasy Rewards Program

Crasy Rewards獎賞計劃(「CRP」)是由Crasy Limited(「CRASYL」)管理和運營的會員獎賞計劃,並受本文所述條款及細則(「條款及細則」)管轄。
Crasy Rewards Program (“CRP”) is a loyalty program that is managed and operated by Crasy Limited (“CRASYL”) and is governed by the terms and conditions set out herein (“Terms and Conditions”).

Upon becoming a Member of the CRP, the Member shall be deemed to have agreed to and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.


e-Membership Wallet
means an electronic Membership wallet issued to a Member for enjoyment of the Rewards.

means fraud, dishonesty and deceit including but not limited to:

  1. 提供虛假的文件或資料;
    Providing false documents or information;

  2. 故意提供錯誤資料以獲取社群CP及或瘋幣;
    Knowingly supplying incorrect information to accrue CP or Crasy Coin;

  3. 串謀參與商戶進行虛假交易以獲取社群CP及或瘋幣;
    Altering documents to accrue CP or Crasy Coin;

  4. 非該會員本人試圖獲取社群CP及或瘋幣;
    Attempting to accrue CP or Crasy Coin by any person other than the Member;

  5. 出售、交易及/或購買瘋幣,包括試圖透過互聯網的出售或拍賣方式出售或轉讓瘋幣;或
    Selling, bartering and/or purchasing Crasy Coin including attempting to sell or transfer Crasy Coin by means of internet based sales or auctions; or

  6. 故意從另一會員或人士的欺詐或不當行為中獲取利益。
    Knowingly benefiting from the Fraud or Misconduct of another Member or individual.

Hong Kong
means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

Crasy Coin
means the rebate reward tokens after consumption from partners and or participating merchants

Contribution Point (CP)
means the value when the member participated and completed one or more missions from Crasy Carnival.

CRP website
means the website at https://www.crasy.app

means a person admitted by CRASYL to be a Member under the CRP, subject to such terms and conditions as CRASYL may think fit and the term “Membership” shall be construed accordingly.

means wrongdoing and improper behavior including but not limited to:

  1. 註冊重複會籍;
    Enrolling for duplicate Membership;

  2. 未能遵守本條款及細則及或參與合作夥伴或參與商戶的條款及細則(不定時修訂);
    Failure to comply with these Terms and Conditions and/or the terms and conditions of Participating Partners/ Participating Merchants (as amended from time to time);

  3. 與CRP員工或任何參與合作夥伴和或參與商戶的員工交涉時出現的不適當行為;
    Inappropriate behavior in dealing with the staff of the CRP or the staff of any Participating Partner and/or Participating Merchant;

  4. 使用任何CRP登錄或相關渠道、網站或應用程序時出現的不適當行為;或
    Inappropriate behavior whilst using any CRP log-in or related channels, websites or applications; or

  5. 試圖透過欺詐獲得社群CP及或瘋幣。
    Attempting to obtain CP, Crasy Coin or Rewards by Fraud.

Mobile App
means the mobile application(s) for use by the Members for the purpose of the CRP.

指Crasy Limited,一間在香港註冊成立的公司
means Crasy Limited,a company incorporated in Hong Kong

Participating Merchant
means any shops, stores, branches, merchants, websites, mobile apps or any other channels designated by Participating Partners at which Members may earn CP or Crasy Coin.

Participating Partner
means a business with whom CRASYL has made arrangements for Members to earn CP or Crasy Coin.

means any products, services, benefits, privileges, promotions, offers, rewards or the like offered or to be offered to Members by CRASYL or any third parties (including but not limited to Participating Partners/ Participating Merchants) from time to time.

Friend’s Reward
means whenever a member completed a transaction, they can send a bonus reward to a selected friend in their friend list.

Words in the singular includes the plural and vice versa.

Eligibility and Membership

CRP 會藉
CRP membership

  1. 任何年滿12歲或以上的人士均有資格申請會籍。未成年人(即18歲以下的人士)需要父母或法定監護人的同意方可加入CRP。通過接受本條款及細則,未成年人確認已獲得其父母或法定監護人的同意加入CRP。
    Any individual aged 12 or above is eligible to apply for Membership. Minors (i.e. individuals under the age of 18) require the consent of a parent or legal guardian to join the CRP By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the minor confirms that he has obtained consent from his parent or legal guardian.

  2. 除非依據本條款及細則被終止, 否則會籍終身有效。
    Membership has lifetime validity period unless terminated pursuant to these Terms and Conditions.

  3. 每位人士在任何特定時間只可擁有一個會籍帳戶。
    Each individual is only entitled to have one  Membership account at any given time.

  4. CRASYL將有唯一及絕對酌情權批准會籍申請及授予相關會籍。CRASYL可拒絕批准或授予任何會籍,而無需提供任何理由。
    Approval of application for Membership and grant of the Membership shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of CRASYL. CRASYL may refuse to approve and grant any Membership without giving any reason.

  5. 會籍和電子會員卡均不可轉讓及轉移,並只能由獲授予或發放會籍和電子會員錢包的個人會員使用或享用。
    Membership and the e-Membership Wallet are non-transferable and non-assignable and may only be used or enjoyed by that individual Member to whom the Membership and the e-Membership Wallet are granted or issued.

  6. CRASYL可隨時審查會籍的資格標準,恕不事先發出通知。
    CRASYL may at any time without prior notice review the criteria for eligibility to the Membership.

  7. CRASYL有權隨時修改CRP的結構、福利、內容和其他功能,包括但不限於流動應用程式、社群CP、瘋幣的轉換和到期日、本條款及細則、加入計劃或與新計劃或其他計劃訂立安排以及終止CRP,恕不事先發出通知。儘管CRASYL將盡合理努力通知會員CRP及/或本條款及細則的重大變更或修改,但會員有責任及時瞭解CRP和本條款及細則的最新情況。會員一經賺取社群CP、瘋幣或使用瘋幣,即被視為其接受任何有關之變更或修改。CRASYL對CRP的任何變更或修改(包括但不限於對本條款及細則的修改)造成任何損失或損害概不負責。
    CRASYL is entitled to modify the structure, benefits, contents and other features of the CRP, including but not limited to the Mobile App, conversion and expiration of Crasy Coin, these Terms and Conditions, joining programs of or having arrangements with new or other programs and termination of the CRP, at any time without prior notice. Although CRASYL will use reasonable efforts to notify Members of material changes to the CRP and/or to these Terms and Conditions, it is the responsibility of Members to keep themselves up to date in respect of the CRP and these Terms and Conditions. Any earning of Crasy Coin by a Member will be deemed as acceptance of any such modification. CRASYL will not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any modifications to the CRP, including but not limited to these Terms and Conditions.

  8. 會員必須確保其會員帳戶詳情(包括但不限於密碼、會員編號以及任何代表瘋幣及或其會籍的二維碼)保密,並不得向任何方披露。會員需對任何人使用其會員帳戶負全部責任。如果第三方使用會員賬戶進行交易,無論是否有獲得該會員授權,CRASYL概不承擔任何責任。
    Member must ensure that his Membership account details including but not limited to the password, Membership number, as well as any QR codes generated representing Crasy Coin and/or his Membership are kept confidential and are not disclosed to any parties. Member is fully responsible for any use of his Membership account by any persons and CRASYL shall not be liable in the event that a third person obtains access to a Member’s account to make transactions, whether with or without authority of the Member.

  9. CRASYL有權隨時在不事先通知會員的情況下審查會員帳戶,以確保會員遵守本條款及細則、參與合作夥伴/參與商戶的任何條款和細則以及任何其他適用的規例、規定或條款和細則。在審查過程中,會員的帳戶可能會被暫停使用,而會員可能會無法使用其帳戶或進行任何交易。
    CRASYL shall have the right to audit a Member's account at any time without prior notice to the Member to ensure compliance with these Terms and Conditions, any terms and conditions of the Participating Partners/ Participating Merchants, and any other applicable rules, regulations or terms and conditions. During the course of an audit, a Member’s account may be temporarily suspended and a Member may not be permitted to access his account nor perform any transactions.

  10. 只有在下列情況下才可於要求註冊額外會籍的參與合作夥伴及/或參與商戶賺取社群CP及或瘋幣:(i)會員在相關參與合作夥伴及/或參與商戶購買任何商品或服務之前已完成註冊流程;及(ii)滿足參與合作夥伴及/或參與商戶規定的所有相關要求和程序(如適用)。
    For earning Crasy Coin at Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants that require additional membership registration, Crasy Coin will only be credited: (i) if Members complete the registration process prior to the purchase of any goods or services at the relevant Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants; and (ii) subject to meeting all requirements and procedures as may be specified by the Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants in relation thereto, if applicable.

  11. 對於要求在賺取社群CP、瘋幣或使用瘋幣前須註冊額外會籍的參與合作夥伴,該會籍註冊可透過流動應用程式、參與合作夥伴的網站或參與合作夥伴不時指定的任何其他平台完成。註冊後,會員應受參與合作夥伴的相關條款和細則約束。請參閱參與合作夥伴的相應網站瞭解其相關條款和細則。
    For Participating Partners that require additional membership registration prior to earning Crasy Coin and/or using Crasy Coin, such membership registration can be done via the Mobile App, the websites of Participating Partners or any other platforms specified by Participating Partners from time to time. Upon registration, Members shall be bound by the terms and conditions of such Participating Partner. Please refer to Participating Partners’ respective websites for their terms and conditions.

Become a Member

Individuals can apply to be a Member of the CRP via the Mobile App. Upon successful registration, the individual will receive an email confirmation.

Each email address can only be registered by one Member. Any duplicate registration of the same mobile number will not be accepted.

e-Membership Wallet

Without prejudice to the right of CRASYL to seek verification under Clause 3.3, CRASYL, Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants are entitled to assume without proof that the bearer of an e-Membership Wallet is the Member named thereon.

CP and Crasy Coin

CP and Crasy Coin will only be recorded upon the acceptance of a Membership application and approval of Membership status.

Once the Membership account is activated, Members may, subject to these Terms and Conditions, use the e-Membership Wallet to earn CP and Crasy Coin based on his eligible spending at, or according to the requirements or criteria as may be specified by and applicable to, any Participating Partner/ Participating Merchant.

CRASYL and/or the Participating Partners/ Participating Merchants may run promotions from time to time by offering bonus Crasy Coin. Qualification for such bonus Crasy Coin is subject to the terms and conditions of each individual promotion.

To earn Crasy Coin, members can make eligible purchases at participating partners or participating merchants, and show the payment QR code to the merchant to scan to complete the transaction. Crasy Coin will be calculated based on the final transaction amount, multiplied by the member's current spending rebate ratio:

Example A: Final Transaction Amount =$100,
5% Basic crasyback, 0% Bonus crasyback, 0% Event bonus,
Crasy Coin earned = 5

Example B: Final Transaction Amount =$100,
5% Basic crasyback, 3% Bonus crasyback, 2% Event bonus,
Crasy Coin earned = 10

Example C: Final Transaction Amount =$0,
5% Basic crasyback, 3% Bonus crasyback, 2% Event bonus,
Crasy Coin earned = 0

The processing time for Crasy Coin to be credited to a Member’s account may take up to thirty (30) working days from the date of the transaction. The processing time may vary depending on the Participating Partners/ Participating Merchants and the type of transactions.

Crasy Coin currently does not have expiry dates.

Each Bonus Crasyback has a 7 days expiry date. When members make purchases after the expiration date, they can only enjoy the basic crasyback rate on spending. When a member completes a new transaction, Bonus Crasyback will be automatically reset and the calculation of the 7 days period will begin again.

A Member shall forthwith inform CRASYL and/or the relevant Participating Partner(s) of any transactions where Crasy Coin have been earned but such transaction is subsequently canceled, refunded or reversed for whatever reasons. In such circumstances, or if Member fails to inform CRASYL and/or the relevant Participating Partner(s) but it has come to the knowledge of CRASYL of those canceled, refunded or reversed transaction(s), CRASYL shall be entitled to cancel or deduct the Crasy Coin earned from the said transaction(s) from the Member’s account (including any bonus Crasy Coin earned from the said transaction(s) during any promotion event as may be in place from time to time).

After members complete the tasks assigned by the community challenge, they will receive the designated CP.

A Member agrees that the records of CRASYL as to the number of Crasy Coin and CP earned by a Member are final and conclusive.

Use of Crasy Coin

Each Crasy Coin can be used as HKD1 instant cash to be spent in a transaction at a Participating Partner and/or Participating Merchant.

CRASYL is entitled to adjust the Crasy Coin conversion rate at any time without any prior notice and/or to restrict or limit the number of Crasy Coin a Member can use for each transaction.

Participating Partners/ Participating Merchants may specify a maximum number of Crasy Coin which may be used by a Member in each transaction from time to time.

To use Crasy Coin, members must present the "Payment and Redemption" QR code to participating partners and/or participating merchants. The system will automatically deduct the used quantity from the transaction and update the final transaction amount. The member and the merchant will continue after confirmation. Make or cancel a transaction.

Once the Crasy Coin is used and the transaction is completed, the relevant Crasy Coin will be deducted from the member's account and displayed in the member's account.

If a Member makes any transaction using Crasy Coin (whether in full or in part), such transaction cannot be refunded under any circumstances.

Crasy Coin cannot be exchanged for cash and may not be sold, purchased or transferred to any other Member or individual. Used Crasy Coin cannot be reversed or be refunded under any circumstances.

A Member agrees that the records of CRASYL as to the number of Crasy Coin used by a Member are final and conclusive.

Termination or Suspension of Membership

Members may terminate their Membership at any time by email notice to CRASYL or suspend the account via Mobile App.

CRASYL is entitled to forthwith terminate or suspend the Membership of any Member in case the Member breaches any of these Terms and Conditions or does not comply with the instructions of CRASYL. In addition, CRASYL shall have the right to forthwith terminate or suspend the Membership of any Member at any time at the sole and absolute discretion of CRASYL without any reasons or compensation. CRASYL shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom suffered by any party under any circumstances.

CRASYL有權在會員因任何原因被終止會籍後立即取消會員的所有社群CP及未使用的Crasy Coin,而不給予任何賠償。
CRASYL is entitled to cancel all CP and unused Crasy Coin of a Member forthwith upon termination of his Membership for whatsoever reasons without any compensation.

If there is any misuse of the e-Membership Wallet, QR codes, Membership accounts, Crasy Coin and/or Rewards, including but not limited to Fraud and/or Misconduct by a Member, CRASYL and/or Participating Partners shall have the right to terminate or suspend the Membership or withdraw the Crasy Coin and/or Rewards from the Member without prejudice to any accrued rights and remedies of CRASYL and/or Participating Partners against the Member.

Upon death of a Member, his Membership account shall be closed and all CP and unused CrasyCoin (if any) shall be cancelled by CRASYL without any compensation.

If a Member has earned Crasy Coin, used Crasy Coin and/or redeemed Rewards for himself through Fraud and/or Misconduct, the Member shall, without limitation, be liable to CRASYL, Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants for the Crasy Coin and/or the full price of the Rewards or other goods or services obtained, together with all costs and damage incurred or suffered by CRASYL, Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants as a result thereof.

Disclaimers and Exclusion of Liabilities

CRASYL and/or Participating Partners shall not be liable to Members for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense of any kind whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the CRP (including but not limited to the refusal by CRASYL, Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants to allow any Member to earn Crasy Coin for any particular transaction, or to provide Rewards or accept the use of any Rewards). Such exclusion of liability applies whether the loss, damage or expense is caused by negligence or otherwise, and whether CRASYL, Participating Partners, and/or Participating Merchants have any control over the circumstances giving rise to the claim or not.

All liability, if any, on the part of CRASYL, its employees, affiliates, agents, suppliers and partner organizations as set out in these Terms and Conditions, expressed or implied by statute or otherwise, are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the maximum liability of CRASYL to any Member shall not exceed HKD100 in aggregate in any event.

A Member is hereby deemed to have read, understood and agreed to these Terms and Conditions, and confirms that he has not relied on any statement, representation, assurance or warranty made by CRASYL and shall waive all of his rights, if any, against CRASYL in relation thereof.

Without prejudice to Clause 8.3 hereinabove, CRASYL does not give any warranty for the quality or fitness of any of the Rewards and accepts no responsibility in respect of the following:
> CRASYL、任何參與合作夥伴及或任何參與商戶拒絕就任何交易提供獎勵、記入任何或接受任何瘋幣;
> refusal by CRASYL, any Participating Partners and/or any Participating Merchants to offer Rewards, accept e-Membership Wallet or any QR code, credit any Crasy Coin or accept any Crasy Coin in respect of any transactions;
> 未能提供之任何獎勵;及
> unavailability of any of the Rewards; and
> CRASYL、任何參與合作夥伴及或任何參與商戶拒絕更換或更改任何獎勵或賠償。
> refusal of replacement or change of any of the Rewards or compensation or reward thereof by CRASYL, any Participating Partners and/or any Participating Merchants.

CRASYL shall not be liable for any loss arising from the failure by Participating Partners and/or Participating Merchants to provide any products, services, Crasy Coin or Rewards. Where a Member uses the services provided by a Participating Partner and/or Participating Merchant, their terms and conditions shall apply in addition to these Terms and Conditions and CRASYL shall not be liable for any loss arising therefrom.

General Conditions

CRASYL shall deal with all personal data in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the laws of Hong Kong and the Privacy Policy Statement of CRASYL. Please refer to the Privacy Policy Statement of CRASYL here: https://www.crasy.app/privacy-policy/.

會員在申請會籍時應同意CRASYL的《個人資料收集聲明》,該聲明列明了CRASYL在收集、持有和使用與 CRP 有關的個人資料方面的私隱政策和做法。
A Member shall consent to the Personal Information Collection Statement of CRASYL during the application for Membership which sets out the privacy policy and practices of CRASYL in respect of its collection, holding and use of personal data in relation to the CRP.

The use of the CRP Website and the Mobile App is governed by the applicable terms and conditions and the Privacy Policy Statements of the CRP Website and the Mobile App.

CRASYL shall have the right and discretion to amend, delete, modify and/or vary any of these Terms and Conditions, including but not limited to imposing additional terms in respect of the Membership, the e-Membership Wallet, CP, Crasy Coin, Rewards and other matters in relation to the CRP from time to time without prior notice. Should there be any inconsistencies between these Terms and Conditions and those additional terms and conditions, those additional terms and conditions shall prevail.

CRASYL is entitled to transfer, assign, charge, sub-contract or otherwise dispose of any of the rights or obligations under these Terms and Conditions and the CRP on such terms and conditions as CRASYL may at its sole and absolute discretion think fit at any time without any prior notice to Member.

CRASYL is entitled to amend, suspend and terminate the CRP at any time without any prior notice, reasons or compensation. CRASYL shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting therefrom by any party in any event.

All parties agreeing to these Terms and Conditions do not intend that any term of these Terms and Conditions should be enforceable or enjoyed, by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong), by any entity or person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions. The consent of any entity or person who is not a party to these Terms and Conditions is not required to rescind or vary these Terms and Conditions.

CRASYL has the right to interpret these Terms and Conditions and its interpretation shall be final and binding on all parties concerned.

The Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions is provided for reference only. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.

These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Hong Kong and any disputes arising from, out of or in relation to them, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.

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